Friday, April 13, 2007


Making a DNA Fingerprint with PCR


Thursday, March 15, 2007


Raoul Wallenberg Green School Proposal
Written by the Biotechnology class 2006-07

A new trend for Green might start………… -Aaron Yee

We first started to talk about having a Green school after we saw a movie about global warming in class. We didn’t automatically start out wanting to make the whole school Green, but after we came up with several good clean cheap ways make our campus better we changed the scale of our ideas. With a Green school we could have an environment that takes the same amount of energy but with less waste and pollution. We would get all the same advantages and none of the disadvantages. Our example may affect those around us and we can start to better our community and then our city.
-Ricardo Orellana

The United States is one of the leaders in technology, and we should be putting all our energy towards alternative energy sources. Instead we lead the world in carbon emissions. If we could make our school Green, we could set an example for others to use other sources of energy or at least to use less electricity to lessen our emissions. Together as a class we compiled a list of things we could do to make the school Greener. We have ideas; now we just need support.
-Esther Gee

After watching a moving film about the society’s harmful effects on nature, our class began to realize how urgently we needed to act. Following a research project on the internet, we figured that we as students can impact the Green cause positively as well. We continued our research and are very excited about the possibility of Wallenberg being a Green school. Wallenberg is a place to start setting an example for others. Working together with PG&E, we can help our community and make our senior year a year to remember.
-Annelisa Luong

Even though Wallenberg is a small school, it can make a difference in the community. If Wallenberg is given the opportunity to become Green, it will benefit not only the students, but the neighborhood as well. Just realizing a few of our many ideas will make both the school and the entire neighborhood a healthier place to live.
-Elliott Ten

If other schools consider becoming more environmentally friendly, one by one, other organizations may see how beneficial saving and supporting the environment is. By adding awareness in our community, students and their families and friends may learn more about the toxins that are emitted into our ecosystem through daily tasks, and also learn ways to efficiently reduce those harms. Soon, I believe, with more awareness, toxin levels will decrease for future generations.
-Fanny Ko

Personally, I think it is important because of the effect it will have on people’s lives. If more people can be better informed, they can help stop global warming by lessening or preventing the use of products that cause carbon emissions. We want to make an impression on the city.
-Dherain Patel

I want to benefit the community. I want to be essential. I want to be an innovator.
-Javan Gardinier

The students of Wallenberg H.S. insist that we become a model for a cleaner future. All our lives depend on it!


Wallenberg 2007 Blood Drive

"You don't have to be a doctor to save lives!"